President of the Centre for International Relations and the THINKTANK centre. For the past XX years, he has headed the CSM, one of the oldest Polish think tanks dealing with international relations and security. Academic lecturer at the University of Warsaw and Vistula University. Doctor of Humanities, specialises in international relations (with particular emphasis on the European Union) and communication in public institutions. A graduate of the University of Warsaw (Italian studies), the Paris Sorbonne (history and political sciences) and PWST (history of culture), she completed two doctoral programmes - in Poland (PAN) and abroad. She also did specialist studies at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University in New York under a Fulbright scholarship. In 1995-1998, she worked as an editor in TVP, from 1998 she managed the European Information Centre in the Office of the Committee for European Integration. She prepared and implemented the Government Programme for Informing the Public about Poland's Integration with the EU, and created a network of Regional European Information Centres. In 2001-2008, she was an expert of the European Commission and head of the EC Information and Communication Programme in Poland and then in Bulgaria. Since 1997 she has been active in teaching and research, academic lecturer and government advisor. Author of more than 80 publications and several books, she has promoted more than 100 bachelor's, master's and diploma students.